2012 has started out with a bang! Well...more like a CRASH!!!! It seems as though a lot of people, myself included, have had a rough go of it for these first few weeks of the year. What's going on?!? Despite well meaning thoughts from my Topanga friends about the new year really beginning in February with the Chinese New Year or the end of the year (or world, rather) with the Mayan calendar, or how I just need to drink more tea, meditate or hold crystals... it’s hard to make sense of it all. Everyone has their way of dealing with life when everything seems to all blow up at once. So what do you do? I wonder if we are really on track? Or is there even really a “track” to be on?
Somehow it seems that Los Angeles likes to give you a good, solid punch in the face every once in a while to make sure you are paying attention. Unfortunately, I am not excluded from a good beating now and again. (metaphorically speaking, of course!) I will agree with my beloved Oscar Wilde when he said, “Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.” I would not give up one single thing for the amazing experiences that I’ve had and the fascinating people I have met along the way. I accept it all- the good and the bad- and say “thank you.” I suppose the only real “track” is one that you set for yourself...and it’s gotta be wonderfully, authentically yours...so let’s keep on walking, shall we?
Being that it is January and the year is still new, I am ever more committed to continue along my path, choosing beauty and love...and of course lipstick!